EasyDiagnosis Culture | The Showroom Presentation

September 8th witnessed the great success of English speech competition at the showroom. The competition not only showcased the tremendous talent and passion of our fresh graduate colleagues, but also the latest technologies and innovations we have developed within the organization.


One of the standout performances came from the 9th lecturer, who captivated the audience with a powerful and thought-provoking speech about our products. Her words resonated deeply with the judges and participants, who all recognized the great significance of her message and the role that excellent instrument plays in building competitiveness and achieving success.


The highlight of the exhibition was the feedback we received from our simulated customers. It was clear that our display showcased not only our latest technologies and innovations, but also our commitment to delivering outstanding customer service. Lecturers received many positive comments and testimonials, and it was heartening to see how much our simulated customers appreciate the hard work and dedication of our team members.    



The judges reviewed the final deliverables with detailed discussion, and elected three winners. The top three demonstrated great ability on professional image, fluent oral English, and introduction of the company culture and showroom. Our Vice President, Mr. Anthony Tsui, presented certificates in person and showed congratulations to them.  

Overall, the speech competition was a tremendous success, and had left a lasting impression on all who participated. It provided a platform for young talents to shine, and had inspired them to show themselves with renewed passion and determination. We are looking forward to witnessing their great growth within EasyDiagnosis and the potential positive influences they will make in medical industry.